About us

Gig economy has opened up doors to new global opportunities to workforce. Corporates globally have realized the benifits of Gig workforce, as well !
Our Mission is to completely offload Corporate Training needs for skilling, up skilling & cross skilling workforce. So, Corporates can focus on their business while we with the help of CuratedTrainers help their employees learning and development is seamless.

CuratedTrainers is a solution for the great challenge that I faced in my prior startups. Every six months, we had to scout for freelancing trainer or agency who can train our new hire upskilling or cross skilling. The other challenge was about the kind of training tools , material , planning & scheduling overheads has really given me tough time. After few years I have to engage a full time resource who takes care of this coordination.

CuratedTrainers is the ONLY Platform, connecting Corporates looking to offload their custom training needs to expertise trainers.

The underlying technology not only enables the most appropriate connection, but also provides learning management tools, training plans and guidance to smoothly conduct the training. CuratedTrainers platform can help Corporates as their Learning Managing System , with different Gig instructors choosen for different Sessions Á Subjects.

Please Come join us to be part of our greater Mission.!!